On October 21stwas helda nationalsymposium atNobel Forum,Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm, Sweden.The topic of theday was "Mentalandcognitivesymptomsafterstroke".
It was arranged bythe Swedish Society forPsychiatry of the Elderlyand the Drug Therapeutic Committee of Stockholm County.
At 12:00was heldthe lecture "Man'sbestfriend, Assistantdogsinstroke rehabilitation".
The lecturewas heldby the physician andresearcherFinnHjÀlmblinkand doghandler KatjaThorman with IRD dogLearoy.Probablythe first timea dogwas invited as a"speaker"at KI!
Today, three dogs and their dog handlers visited a small hospital.
Dog handler Katta with Atlas - a reward is always nice!
The picturesare meant toshowwhata traineddogmust be capable ofininteractions withstrangers!
Miniature Bull Terrier Greta wonders if there is any candy to be had!
Pattedandpokedat. Arehab-dog must notbe too"afraid" of theirfeet, but allow astrangertoeven want tokiss them!
The "patients" will touchboth on thehead, bodyand legs- and itshould not be aproblemfor the dogs.
Dog handler Tina with Greta - nice girls even get to sit in sofas!
Three dogs should be able to handle a situation where food is present - without the dogs starting to quarrel with each other.
IRD dogAtlasknows that hecan betreated togoodiesin thecoffee room...
IRD dogLearoygetsstrokedon the head-eventhatsomethingthe dogshave totolerate.
And neither ca a Rehab-dog defendhis/her foodagainst strangerseither!
The dogs included inthevisit weretwofertilemalesand one femalewhojust finishedher heat.Alsothis a situationthe dogsmust be able to handle.Nopicking quarrelsbetweenmales will be tolerated
No wonderthen if youarecompletely exhaustedafter the visitand justnotable to walk another step!
The visitsaretiringeven forthe dogs-thereforethe visitsshould notlast for very long!
1st Ithoughtas soon asAtlaswasa tiny littlepuppythat Iwould trainhimto become anepilepsydog.There were no otherepilepsydogsthen, but Iknew there weredogs fordibetics. So whenwe startedatthe Working Dog Clubso, well Atlasmust have beenabout six months, I told the chairman of the clubthat Atlas would becomeanepilepsydog.Andhesaid'"No,
that hecannot become. There are noepilepsydogsand it isfar toodifficultto even trainaService Doganditis only donein northern Sweden.""But
I continued to trainAtlas andour coachthat we hadatthe Working DogClub, inJÀrfÀlla, shethought thatAtlaswasvery goodand that he couldsurelybecomeanepilepsydog.But Idid not know wheretheytrainedthem, so I foundtheService andSignal Dog Associationandthey hadneverheard ofepilepsydogs either, becausethere were nonebefore. But Itold him howAtlasmother hadsaved my lifeduring severeepileptic seizures andalso otherdogswhohad alerted me,that Ihadowne. She saidOK, youcantryandI sent inall the papersto theService andSignal DogAssociation andafter a long timeI got aninvitationto come andtaketheentrance examand Atlaspassed itand after some timewe got acoachandSweden, Europe's, firstService Dogforepilepsybeganhis training.
2nd (02:05) BeforeAtlasbeganhis trainingas an epilepsydog,he neededmanydocumentsand Ialsoneeded to haveadocumentthat Ihad – have - epilepsy, and ishelpedby adog.
When no onepreviouslyknew about thiswithdogs
detecting epilepticattacks,it could have been difficultto getthat document. So, when I contacted myphysicianand asked if hewanted to writeacertificatethat Iwashelpedbyhavinga dog andthat the dogcould workasan epilepsydogandhelp me, he never doubted. He said thatheknew that already. I
had told him many times thatmy dogs know, beforea seizure starts.So he wrote a certificateandagreedthat Atlascan detectanepilepticseizureand that Iwould havegreat helpineducatinghim asan epilepsydog.
Britta speaks some English…no need to translate
3rd (03:30) Atlasstrongly feelsbeforea seizure starts.Hehas made me awareseveraltimesbut nowhemarksbyscratching on me. He paws onmy legandif he can’t do that,he scratcheson myhand andhe takes deep
eye contact with me,so that I really feelthatheisworried. After hehasscratchedandmarked,healsoscratches onmy bagandshows thatIshouldtakemymedicine. He can evenshow - if I takeonly onetablet and he feelsthat the oncoming attackis a strong one - that Ineed to take twopills. That’s prettyincredible!But heactuallyfeelsif it is a small ora largeattack that
is coming.
Britta speaks some English…no need to translate
Atlascancall an ambulance if need be. Thenhe pullsina braid he
has. "Good Atlas,good." Abraid that is fastened on
his service cover.Now he doesn’t seem to want to pull!"Atlas, pull!Good."And when he has pulled, they callup. First they callhomeand if
no oneanswers,the call is transferred to the emergency central station. There they can seeon the GPS where weare. "Pull,
pull one more time". He doesn’t want to pull when I'm notsick."Good."
Britta opens the bag
This is how thealarm looks like, and when Atlashas pulled the strap, the signalsfirst go to our home. If no oneanswersit goesto112[In Sweden we have 112 instead of
911] wherethey will askwhat has happened. Whenno one answers,they understand thatAtlas has made the call to send an ambulance. And thenthey seeon the GPS, where we areand they immediately send an
ambulance to us.
4th (06:38) My life with Atlas, yes my whole life has
changed completely, since Atlas received his training and I can bring him along
everywhere. First of all, I myself have accepted my sicknes in a completely
different way. Now I am no longer afraid of going to the hospital by ambulance.
People rather think of me as "her with the capable dog". And then
when Atlas has his service cover on, everyone sees that I need help. Everyone
is very friendly and if I had a dog that was not educated and could not wear
the service cover, people might think that I was on drugs or something. I can
sit down anywhere and receive help. They see Atlas ID-card here. It says
Service Dog and that the owner has epilepsy and there are also phone numbers
they can call. It may also be that some ambulances do not take dogs, then they
can call someone else will come and pick up Atlas. So just to be able to go into
a store by myself makes a very big difference to me, and gives me a much higher
quality of life. I can participate in society in an entirely different way. I
do not feel nearly as isolated and when I see that Atlas is calm, I know that I
do not have a seizure coming. Sometimes you can feel a bit stressed and get
scared and think "I might have a seizure", but if I have Atlas with
me, I need only look at him. If he is calm, I know there is no seizure coming
and I can relax.
Sometimes when Atlas paws or scratches me, he only does it a
little. Then all that might be needed is that I sit down, drink some water and I
do not always have to take a tablet. This means that I don’t need to take so
much medication anymore and that also affects my life quality. Having Atlas means
fewer seizures plus I do not have to take so much medicine. And here in Sweden everybody
accepts Atlas now. We have no problem being accepted everywhere and there will
certainly be - I know there will be many more epilepsy dogs in Sweden because
the need is very large. Just having a dog that senses an oncoming attack is of
course something quite amazing. Atlas has detected a seizure up to 30 minutes
before the attack and I have had time to sit down, lie down and take a tablet –
and the tablet has time to work. I have seizures, first a little weak one and
then they usually accelerate.But if I can
stop or ease the first small one, then no more will follow and I for the most
part do not need to go to the hospital. This is an incredible improvement of my
life quality.
5th (10:24) Alsodogs thatare not trainedfeel
when a seizure is coming. Allmy dogshave shown me thatthey can detect. You cannotteach a dog todetectan attackwhen youdo not even feel it coming yourself. But my
dogs have alerted in different ways and it is I who, aftera long time, haveunderstood thatthey are awarebeforea seizure starts. So eventotallyuntraineddogscan alertbut it is veryimportant to have a good contactwith the dog and
really like each other. Then the dogreallycaresabout you andtells you whenit detects thatyou are beginning tohave a seizure. It will tell you "Hey,
goto bednowbecause youwill be sick". But of course, theexaminationwhen the dogs are allowed to wear the service covers, that is veryimportantbecause otherwise, we owners are not allowed to bring our
dogs along everywhere we go.
Well, it wasgreat totalk aboutAtlas. There is a lotmore Icould tell you but I,as you probably already have noticedhavedifficultyconcentratingand unfortunately don’t speak Englishso well.Thank you very much.