Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rehab dogs visiting a Swedish hospital

Shorthaired Collie Atlas.
Today, three dogs and their dog handlers visited a small hospital.

Dog handler Katta with Atlas - a reward is always nice!
The pictures are meant to show what a trained dog must be capable of in interactions with strangers!

Miniature Bull Terrier Greta wonders if there is any candy to be had!
Patted and poked at. A rehab-dog must not be too "afraid" of their feet, but allow a stranger to even want to kiss them!

The "patients" will touch both on the head, body and legs - and it should not be a problem for the dogs.
Dog handler Tina with Greta - nice girls even get to sit in sofas!
Three dogs should be able to handle a situation where food is present - without the dogs starting to quarrel with each other.

IRD dog Atlas knows that he can be treated to goodies in the coffee room ...
IRD dog Learoy gets stroked on the head - even that something the dogs have to tolerate.
And neither ca a Rehab-dog defend his/her food against strangers either!
The dogs included in the visit were two fertile males and one female who just finished her heat. Also this a situation the dogs must be able to handle. No picking quarrels between males will be tolerated
No wonder then if you are completely exhausted after the visit and just not able to walk another step!
The visits are tiring even for the dogs - therefore the visits should not last for very long!

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